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Saturday, May 24, 2003
The Great Seal of the United States:
Explains everything (and I do mean everything!) about this symbol.
An Apology for the True Christian Divinity:
If you have been waiting for this 17th Century Quaker treatise by Robert Barclay to become available online, your search is over! And a big Hello to my readers from BFC.
The Overfishing Problem is Real:
If conservatives wish to be taken seriously on environmental issues, they need to explain how conservative principles can advance environmental goals. Sitting on the sidelines or carping about environmental fearmongering is not enough. Sometimes the scare stories are true. In the case of fisheries, conservatives should help do something about the problem.
The Nature Conservancy:
This Washington Post series describes The Nature Conservancy's transformation from a grassroots group to a corporate juggernaut. The Nature Conservancy has often resold raw land at a loss to supporters as part of a program to limit intrusive development, but the sales generally allow buyers to construct sprawling homes with swimming pools on the environmentally sensitive sites.
Multiple Regression with Ren and Stimpy:
An illustrated tutorial just in time for your next Six Sigma project. These are happy times indeed with the news that new episodes are on the way.
Friday, May 23, 2003
For Absolutely No Reason Whatsoever:
The Official Web Site for Gallagher. Be sure to check out his Watermelon Mart.
Journalists Are Scum:
The British have a slightly different view of the profession than we Yanks do.
Lawnchair Larry, The Man Who Soared to 16,000 Feet Attached to Weather Balloons:
Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.
A Twin Spin of 78s:
Happy Birthday to my Dad and his twin brother George on their birthdays. For these World War II veterans of the Pacific Theater, making it to age 20 was the difficult part.
Blackstone Audiobooks - OverStock Sale:
You can save a pretty penny.
The History Of The Internet:
In this illustrated timeline.
Thursday, May 22, 2003
GGSearch: Google power:
GGSearch is a neat little tool that sits in your system tray so you can search via Google without first opening up a browser window. Free.
Fargo or Disney World for Vacation This Summer?:
A loving tour of The Way Things Used to Be.
The Light Bulb That Has Burned for 100 Years:
Livermore's Centennial Light. "I have never in my life seen a small object bring so many people together". You can check it out for yourself, as this light bulb has its own webcam.
From Algeria to Yemen:
Test your geographical knowledge with this interactive map.
The Week in Review:
The Famous Deaths site. Amazing detail.
Robot Heart Surgery:
Look Ma, No Zipper!
Bob Hope Turns 100 Next Week:
Mark Steyn on the man who has made more people laugh than anyone in human history.
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
Sundials! Sundials! Sundials!:
This One Is NOT Hedley:
The surprise inventor of the spread-spectrum technology used in the cordless telephones of to-day.
Tripping Up the Democrats:
Who knew one protected class could hold different values from another protected class? Who knew diversity was a double-edged sword?
Stan Musial:
The greatest living hitter in baseball. 3630 hits in his career, of which 1815 were at home, and 1815 were away. A consistent player, eh?
The Russian-USA Border Dispute:
Evidently we're only talking about 20,000 square miles.
Another Wonderful Waste of Time:
A few copies of this might be just the thing for keeping the kids quiet for a while on the next road trip. Or it might make them carsick, who knows?
The Biggest Basket in the World:
The 180,000 square foot corporate office of the Longaberger Company.
Happy Anniversay to Us:
Nancy and I were married 50 years to the day after this.
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
Ahoy! The Official Talk Like a Pirate Day Website Is Now Live:
The official site for all the September 19 festivities. Aargh, mateys . . .
Actuarial Jokes:
Join the Laff Riot over at
The Old Man of the Mountain:
The coin and the before and after photos.
Quite The Deal:
A special bundle of Copernic Personal Agent and Gurunet. Then add Copernic Summarizer at half price. I bought the whole deal, and it's worth every penny.
Bringing the War Back Home, Where It Ought to Have Been Before:
Propaganda posters from the World Wars.
It Takes Intelligence to Do Intelligence:
"You must understand that in a very fundamental way, intelligence is like science: Success depends utterly on having the most brilliant people studying a problem." A great article by Herbert E. Meyer.
TiVo-like Recorders for Radio Shows:
The Best Site to Track Down Hard to Find Books:
The story behind
Monday, May 19, 2003
The Gettysburg Powerpoint Presentation:
Yes sir, the genuine Powerpoint Presentation delivered by President Lincoln in 1863. Be sure to check out "The Making of . . ." page.
The Jayson Blair Story:
A Short History of Fruitcake:
from the Village Voice. It seems the blames goes to the cheap sugar that arrived in Europe from the colonies in the 16th century.
Terrorists Friends Must Pay a Price:
The advice President Clinton should have followed in 1996.
Dead or Alive?:
The Brother of Hermann Goering:
Evidently Albert Goering was a Good Guy.
The United States Mint:
has an online catalog too.
Sunday, May 18, 2003
Cool Anagrams:
An Anagram, as we all know, is a word or phrase made by transposing or rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
Show Them You Love Them:
Send them a Spam postcard. Especially if they're vegetarian. ;-)
More Bad Behavior?:
Has the Susan Estrich column telling the Clintons to just go away been spiked? It does seem pretty hard to find it on the internet, but I did manage to track it down here.
Democrats Behaving Badly:
Whether it's obstruction by filibuster of the president's judicial nominees, or obstruction by flight of redistricting in Texas, the Democrats seem to have regressed to infancy. In NRO.
Ferry Godfather:
The man who saved the Lake Michigan ferry, the S.S. Badger.
Minority Report:
Christopher Hitchens' last column for The Nation
For Ultra-Busy People:
Another Wonderful Waste of Time:
Eat this pie in 15 bites.
Metranos Accidental Comedy:
In the 70's, Art Metrano's comic schlocky magician act, "The Amazing Metrano" got him on the Tonight Show. In the 80's, he was best known as Lt. Mauser in the "Police Academy" movies. But in 1989 he fell off a ladder and broke his neck. Now, after 10 years of surgery and rehabilitation, Metrano, 63, is back in show business and getting rave reviews for his one-man play "Metrano’s Accidental Comedy." He has also written a book.