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Saturday, December 20, 2003

Pop-Up Hotdog Cooker 

Hot Dog Cooker and Toaster

"Operating much like a pop-up toaster, this unique kitchen appliance lets you easily prepare two hot dogs (complete with toasted buns) in minutes. To use, simply drop two wieners in the center basket and the buns in the two toasting baskets on either side. Its 660-watt electronic heating coil has four controllable heat settings so that you can cook the wieners and toast both buns to your taste preference. " 

Machine Gunner Barbie 

Ya just gotta see the photo, ya just gotta! 

Born Every Minute? 

Early in his career, P. T. Barnum created an exhibit, entitled "The Happy Family," consisting of a cage housing a lion, a tiger, a panther - and a baby lamb. The remarkable display earned Barnum unprecedented publicity and attendance figures. Some time after its opening, Barnum was asked about his plans for the happy family. "The display will become a permanent feature," he declared, "if the supply of lambs holds out."

America's Sweetheart 

Really, She's Everybody's Sweetheart!

Order your genuine Ann Coulter T-Shirt today! 

World Trade Center Paper Model 

WTC Paper Model

"As a result of many modellers asking for the entire World Trade Center Complex, Joe Cangero got to work and designed the models you see here and you can have it in seconds as a downloadable model... $4.95 You're going to find the WTC model EASY to build and magically (honestly!) therapeutic to recreate. Please feel free to make a few copies to share with your friends." 

The Most Incredible Feat of Number Memorization Ever Performed in Public! 

"Every day the newspapers bring us word of some marvelous new scientific advance - the fruits of our glittering age of reason. Our world is a fast-moving kaleidoscope of marvelous inventions: the steam locomotive, the telegraph, the disposible celluoid collar. Yet this progress comes at a price! Our lives have grown faster and more complex. Do you have difficulty remembering numbers, even a simple train schedule? Dr. Wilson's Memory Elixir can help!

In order to demonstrate the benefits of Dr. Wilson's Memory Elixir - a wholesome blend of natural extracts of thirty different herbs and root vegetables that promotes and revitalizes the capacity for learning and memory, strengthens the nerves, and effectively wards off cataleptic neuroplexy - Dr. Wilson has memorized the first 5,200 digits of pi!

Friday, December 19, 2003

But How Many FTC Lawyers Does Hollywood Need Anyway? 

Ben Stein: "As I sat there, I knew I was part of the in-crowd. After all, how many other former trade-regulation lawyers from the Federal Trade Commission get to have plaster casts of their heads made for a big-budget movie?" 

What Is The Sound Of One Hand Clapping? 

What Is The Sound Of One Hand Clapping?

Flying Pig "A model to bridge the gap between the precision of the cardboard engineer and the philosophy of the Zen Monk. Through the crank and the cam the cardboard engineer can stroll through the garden of enlightenment and dip a toe in the pool of infinity. Print out the model and follow the instructions. Enlightenment awaits. . . ." 

The Shortest Top Ten List Ever 

Top Ten Ways the World Would Be Different If the Numbers 1 Through 9 Did Not Exist 

So, What's Your Elvis Number? 

The Oracle of Elvis (via Madville

The Most Beautiful Christmas E-Card I've Ever Seen 

The Presurfer:
This is probably the most beautiful Christmas e-card I have ever seen, made by English artist Jacquie Lawson.

How To Use An Abacus 

Diagram of a typical Chinese abacus set to zero

"Diagram of a typical Chinese abacus set to zero - all heaven beads pushed up and all earth bead pushed down. It utilizes a combination of two bases (base-2 and base-5) to represent decimal numbers. It is held horizontally with the smaller deck at the top. Each bead on the top deck has the value 5 and each bead on the lower deck has the value 1. The beads are pushed towards the central crossbar to show numbers. Working from right to left, the first vertical line represents units, the next tens, the next hundreds and so on. " (via

The Guns of Zangara 

Part 1 and Part 2: "Almost 70 years ago, an enigmatic Italian immigrant bricklayer named Giuseppe Zangara momentary leaped onto history's stage and and took a misguided shot at President-elect Franklin Roosevelt and, accidentally, killed Chicago's reform mayor, Anton Cermak. Or so the story goes. But over the next six-and-a-half decades, the shooting only created more questions than it answered. Who was Zangara, and who was his intended victim Anton Cermak, and did the Chicago mob order the killing?" 



"Noted For: Mighty Mouse, Heckle & Jeckle, Tom Terrific, and other characters even more minor. Paul Terry, founder of Terrytoons, produced his first animated short in 1915. Terry was an early user of the cel method of animation, which enabled animators to use richly textured backgrounds (since they didn't have to be redrawn for each frame). But the enhanced quality wasn't why he went for it — he was more interested in its labor-saving ability, and was a pioneer in animating different parts of the body on different cels, because it saved time and therefore money. And saving money was what kept Terry's studio alive while others came and went. He had no artistic aspirations and little interest in innovation, but he was able to turn out cartoons reliably, on a regular basis, without exceeding his meager budgets. He adopted technological advances, such as sound and color, when it became necessary to do so for continued survival, but not one minute sooner. "Disney is the Tiffany's in this business," he was often heard to remark, "and I am the Woolworth's." He considered the Heckle & Jeckle series of cartoons the best his studio ever made. That may be, but considering the esteem in which Terrytoons are held, it's no great honor. " 

Gregory Peck: A Tribute To A Real Man 

"Gregory Peck is a man's man, the kind of man you read about in the bible. A man who came from a time when beating your woman was not only socially acceptable, but encouraged (not that I'm saying spousal abuse is right, I'm just saying that sometimes she deserves it). He has the charisma of Frank Sinatra and the rugged manliness of a lumber jack. Even his last name is manly: "Peck," the phonetic equivalence of a slang term for a man's chest; it's a simple, almost primitive sound like a grunt, straight and to the point without fancy extra syllables and gratuitous punctuation. His default expression is a determined scowl, like he's prepared to introduce you to the business end of his shoe if you look at him wrong. Unlike the self-serving a**hole Christopher Reeve, Peck became chair of the American Cancer Society despite the fact that he never had cancer. His integrity was genuine on-screen and off. Hats off to Peck for being a real man. " 

Telescope Theft in New Mexico 

Stolen 30-inch Telescope

A 30-inch StarMaster Dobsonian reflecting telescope, one of only six in existence, has been stolen from the residence of Brock B. Parker of Albuquerque, New Mexico. The theft occurred in the early morning hours of Thursday, November 13. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of any of this telescope is asked to contact the Albuquerque Police Department at (505) 768-2020. Parker, the owner, can be reached at (505) 298-2792 or by e-mail at  

Marion Tinsley: Human Perfection at Checkers? 

Dr Jonathan Schaeffer:
Marion Tinsley died April 3, 1995, at the age of 68. Why does a checker (8x8 draughts) player attract our attention? His record speaks for itself: Since an accidental loss in the 1950 U.S. Championship, Tinsley had amassed an incredible record. Over the period 1950-1995, Tinsley finished in undivided first place in every tournament that he played in. He contested 9 World Championship matches, winning each usually by an embarrassingly large margin. Over the last 45 years of his life, comprising thousands of tournament, World Championship, match, exhibition and casual games, Tinsley lost the unbelievable number of seven games. Seven games!? In 45 years? Tinsley was as close to perfect as is humanly possible.

Tinsley once remarked that he had become bored playing humans; there wasn't any challenge left. When he was young, Tinsley began to acquire the reputation of being unbeatable. For 45 years, most of his opponents would play for the draw; going for a win was unthinkable. Tinsley's enjoyment for the game waned, and at one point he retired from the game for 12 years because of a lack of competition. When the checkers program Chinook came on the scene, Tinsley relished the opportunity to play it. Chinook had no respect for Tinsley's abilities, willingly taking risks; anything to increase the chances of winning. Tinsley said that playing Chinook made him feel like a young man again.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

A Nice Selection of Online Educational Games 

From the BBC Schools page 

Vintage LIFE Magazines For Sale 

Collage of covers of vintage LIFE magazines

Do you remember these?... - You will find yourself saying "Yes I do! We had some of these when I was a kid!". With these classic vintage LIFE Magazines you are able to stroll through your past via advertisements for items that were so much a part of your life. The celebrity covers, articles and whimsical ads can also make great framed art gifts for any antique, nostalgia or memorabilia buff!.

The Nobel Peace Prize Nominee vs Six Dead Kids 

"Nov. 8, 1994, was Election Day. Scott and Janet Willis voted for George Ryan for a second term as Illinois secretary of state. Then the Willis family got in their van and drove toward Milwaukee. A truck was on the highway in front of them. The driver, Ricardo Guzman, had paid bribes to Ryan's office for his commercial truck driver's license. Guzman couldn't understand the warnings of other truckers that a large chunk of metal--the taillight assembly--was about to fall off his truck. If Guzman hadn't paid the bribe, he wouldn't have been there on the road, in front of the Willis family, with the dangling taillight assembly. It fell on the highway. The Willis van ran over it, and its gas tank ruptured. The Willis children were burned to death. Scott and Janet survived." (via Peoria Pundit

Working Up a Sweat Over Video Games 

"I've been testing a new videogame accessory from Sony that requires you to get out of your chair. It isn't a solution for the nation's weight problem, but it makes you sweat. Even though you look goofy playing it, you interact with games in a natural, fun and social way. And it shows how gamers might be liberated from the traditional hand-held game controller. EyeToy: Play ($49) is a small, black device similar to a Webcam. It sits on top of a television set, facing the gamer, and plugs into a Sony PlayStation 2 game console." 

The State of Illinois Was For Sale 

"Former Gov. George Ryan was charged Wednesday with running state government for the profit of his friends, family and himself, and with trying to cover up a bribes-for-licenses scandal that ultimately led to his indictment. "What we're alleging in the indictment is basically the state of Illinois was for sale," U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald said. In January 2003, just before leaving office, Ryan pardoned four condemned prisoners and commuted the death sentences of 167 others to life in prison. Critics accused Ryan of using the death penalty issue to deflect the scandal arising from the disclosures of corruption. Supporters nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize."

Hey, if Yassar Arafat can win the Nobel Peace Prize, then why not George Ryan? Like it means anything anyway . . . 

Canadian or Dead? 

Canadian or Dead?

The object of the game is simple. Just decide if the famous people listed are Canadian, Dead or Both. (via Tim) 

So You've Decided to Be Evil 

A Step-by-Step Guide to joining the Forces of Darkness. Includes helpful tips on Locations for your Lair and a fill-in-the-blanks page to help you Complete Your Evil Plan 

NBC Unveils New Bachelor Show 

"Hinckley On The Town



The Kineticard (US patent # 5,901,484) was originally developed in 1997, and is a novel greetings card that you can send through the mail. The card consists of two parts. Insert your thumbs, slide one layer against the other and watch the image magically come to life! You can see a further explanation here or order some here 

Benjamin Wade, Who Missed Becoming President by Just One Vote 

The best short biography I've seen. From Spartacus Educational in the UK 

Africa for Girl Scouts 

An excellent resource page.  

Remember This Circular Slide Rule From High School Chemistry Class? 

Circular Slide Rule Like I Used In High School

A couple of bucks 30 years ago, but now they sell for $89 each in the factory-sealed bags 

Bacteria, Viruses and Parasites May Cause Mental Illnesses "Even a simple sore throat can lead to psychiatric problems. Few children avoid coming down with a streptococcus infection, also known as strep. Scientists now think that one in 1,000 strep sufferers also develops abrupt-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in a matter of weeks. Strep bacteria trigger OCD by igniting an overzealous response from the immune system, which attacks certain types of brain cells, causing inflammation. Symptoms generally die down after a few months but can flare up again, especially if there’s another bout of strep." 

Due Diligence When Starting A Business 

Twelve Tests for Evaluating a Network Marketing (MLM) Opportunity, Test #3, The Product Test

Review the products offered and ask yourself: Is it likely the products could be sold successfully on their own merits without going through a MLM distribution system? If nothing comparable is on the market, find out why. Does the MLM company focus on legitimate products of value to consumers, or does it emphasize fleeting trends and timing, and exotic or secret formulas? Are products of consistently high quality, and do they carry a buy-back guarantee? Can all product claims (such as health claims) be backed up by reliable research? Are orders filled and shipped promptly? And are manufacturing and expiration dates printed on consumable products?

The 10 Big Lies of Multi-Level Marketing, Lie #10: MLM is not a pyramid scheme because products are sold.

Truth: The sale of products is in no way a protection from anti-pyramid scheme laws or unfair trade practices set forth in federal and state law. MLM is a legal form of business only under certain rigid conditions set forth by the FTC and state Attorneys General. Many MLMs are in gross violation of these guidelines and operate only because they have not been prosecuted. Recent court rulings are using a 70% rule to determine an MLM's legality. At least 70% of all goods sold by the MLM company must be purchased by non-distributors. This standard would place most MLM companies outside the law. The largest of all MLMs acknowledges that only 18% of its sales are made to non-distributors.

I don't think MLM or Network Marketing is necessarily a bad thing (there are a lot of crummy franchise offerings out there, but that doesn't make franchising itself a bad concept). But if products aren't moving to the end consumer, then watch out!  

Good Question 

North Georgia Dogma: "I've heard non-stop since 2000 that the Bush tax cuts were 'huge' and 'massive' and 'irresponsible' due to their size. Since Dean is running on raising taxes to the old rates (reversing the Bush tax cuts, which are law) why wouldn't/shouldn't that be noted as 'huge' or 'massive' tax increases on some of the network news sources out there? Has it happened? I mean, it was a 1.4 trillion dollar tax cut, why isn't a 1.4 trillion dollar tax hike just as huge and as massive?" 

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

How Come Excel Expert J-Walk Didn't Come Up With This? 

Using Excel to write a love letter

Row, Row, Row Your Bike . . .  

The Rowing Bike

The Rowing Bike (via DeepFun

Copernic Meta: Free Meta-Search Tool 

"Copernic Meta is an add-in for Windows and Internet Explorer that provides quick and permanent access to powerful Web searching. Performing simultaneous searches on multiple search engines, Copernic Meta allows you to explore more of the Web than any single search engine. " 

Are Hitler's Great Nephews Owed Royalties on the Sales of Hitler Wine? 

Hitler Wine

1.  From Anavoa: Bad publicity sends Hitler wine sales soaring
Christmas sales of Adolf Hitler wine have reached a record high thanks to publicity generated by attempts to ban it in both Brussels and Berlin. Wine-grower Alessandro Lunardelli started selling the bottles of Hitler wine in 1995 after the success of his Mussolini label back home in Italy. He has already made a fortune but says this Christmas sales have "gone through the roof" thanks to the interest generated by publicity over attempts to ban his wine. "Getting sued was the best thing that could have happened," Lunardelli said in a telephone interview from his company's headquarters near Udine on Italy's border with Austria.
2.  From BoingBoing: You need a license to say "I have a dream"
Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech is still in copyright (as is almost everything else familiar in our lives), and Dr King's heirs strictly enforce the copyright. Wendy Seltzer points out what this means for free expression and political commentary. You can always quote a few lines without asking permission, but that's likely to be the same few lines that have become cliched with repetition. Quote the whole speech to make a more substantial point, and you face thousand-dollar license fee claims from the estate. Quote them to make a point critical of King, and you may be denied a license entirely.
3.  From CNN: The Last of the Hitlers
Hitler's Great Nephews Live on Long Island, New York
Adolf Hitler left no offspring when he died in his bunker in 1945. But he wasn't the last of the Hitler line. He had a nephew, William Patrick Hitler, who grew up in England, moved to America, and had three sons. The story of those Hitlers is told in a new documentary, "The Last of the Hitlers," based on the book of the same name by British journalist David Gardner, who said: "They've lived all-American lives. They live in a small town in Long Island. ... They were born in America, and these are the American Hitlers, in effect. "
So, my question is this: If the "Hitler Wine" were to be sold in America, would these great nephews of Adolf Hitler be entitled to royalties as compensation for the use of his name and likeness? Now to be sure, these nephews have gone to great lenghts to stay out of the public eye for over 50 years, so any kind of lawsuit is extremely unlikely. Still, it's an interesting question to ponder, eh?

Many thanks to Cory Doctorow over at BoingBoing for the posts that started me thinking on this (hopefully forever moot) point. 

Can You Identify This Man? 

Can You Identify This Man?

To find out who he is and what's he's been doing lately, click here 

Dean Demands Saddam's Release, Recapture by U.N. 

Scrappleface (2003-12-15) -- Democrat presidential candidate Howard Dean today said the capture of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein "lacks legitimacy because it was a unilateral effort by American forces."

"It's great that Saddam Hussein was caught, but we did it all wrong and he should be released immediately," said Mr. Dean, "This will allow him to be recaptured later by a true multilateral coalition led by the United Nations."

The former Vermont governor noted that U.S. forces acted pre-emptively to surround the area where Mr. Hussein had hidden, and declined the former Iraqi leader's offer to negotiate.

"It's just another example of cowboy diplomacy," he said. "The Bush administration's ignorance in foreign policy and military matters is stunning. Did they read Mr. Hussein his Miranda rights? Did he get his phone call? Was there even a search warrant? We in the global community demand the justice that only the United Nations can legitimately deliver." 

Whoopass Customized Bobblehead Dolls 

Make Your Own Bobblehead  Make Your Own bobblehead

At Whoopass Enterprises, we have an expert team of sculptors who personally hand sculpt each head from photos. They are talented enough to make you, or the person you are buying for, look funny and charismatic, yet they are honest enough to create an uncanny likeness. Then, the little bobbing head is spring mounted upon the human or animal body of your choice. Our expert team of painters then paints the bobblehead doll matching skin tone and then colors the clothing on the body to your desired specifications.

You Might Be Stuck In The 80s If . . . 

The Rest of the Tests Are At 93 Ways To Test If You Are Still Stuck In The 80s 

Hip to Be Square? 

Gavin McInnes:
You wouldn’t have seen anything like this five years ago, but now it seems that the reality of the boomers’ liberalism is slowly starting to affect the livelihood of Generation X. The joy of mass immigration is easy to talk about when you live in the suburbs and benefit from cheap housecleaning, but when you are going to schools that are 50 percent Spanish and watching your education slip through your fingers, you tend to be a little more pragmatic. The same goes for affirmative action. Who was laughing the loudest when Jayson Blair was exposed? The journalism students who were forced to intern for us because they couldn’t get paying jobs in the mainstream press.

The Censored 11 

From Hittin' the Trail to Hallelujah Land (1931)

"The Censored 11" are eleven Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons that are considered "racist" or "too politically incorrect" by today's standards. This list was created in 1968 by United Artists (then owners of the A.A.P. library) and is of cartoons withheld from distribution by the current distributor. Ted Turner refused to allow any of them to be transmitted on television or released on home videotape or laser videodisc. 

"Take Me Out To The Ballgame"? I've Never Been Myself . . . 

David Hinkley: "Jack Norworth lived for 80 years and made his reputation in about 30 minutes, which is the length of the subway ride on which he composed the lyrics for "Take Me Out to the Ballgame," a song millions of strangers join to sing hundreds of thousands of times each American baseball season. Jack Norworth, as it happens, wasn't looking to write the quintessential American sport chorus. He had no ambition higher than a quick novelty hit. Born in Philadelphia in 1879, Norworth was by 1908 an established New York song-and-dance man, successful enough to fancy himself a rival of George M. Cohan. He and his wife, Nora Bayes, one of the most successful pop singers of the early 20th century and herself a vaudeville star and composer, were appearing together in the "Ziegfeld Follies" and singing a song they'd written called "Shine on Harvest Moon." Then one day that summer, as Norworth told the story, he was taking the subway somewhere in town and spotted a sign:

Base Ball Today — Polo Grounds

Norworth had never seen a base ball game. Albert Von Tilzer, a composer and friend whom Norworth visited in search of a melody for his new lyrics, was even with Norworth for base ball experience. He'd never seen a game, either. But Flo Ziegfeld liked the song well enough to insert it into the next "Follies," where it was performed with no shortage of melodramatic flourish by Bayes and Norworth. Soon it had been recorded by Billy Murray, the biggest star in the fledgling phonograph industry, and by 1910 it was being sung in baseball stadiums, a practice that continues to this day." 

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

From Victor Davis Hanson's Best Quotes of 2003 

Taking on all at once Germany, Japan, and Italy — diverse enemies all — did not require the weeding out of all the fascists and their supporters in Mexico, Argentina, Eastern Europe, and the Arab world. Instead, those in jackboots and armbands worldwide quietly stowed all their emblems away as organized fascism died on the vine once the roots were torn out in Berlin, Rome, and Tokyo. So too will the terrorists, once their sanctuaries and capital shrivel up — as is happening as we speak. -- Victor Davis Hanson

Double-Landlocked Countries? 

The Volokh Conspiracy:

Double-landlocked: Let's call a country "landlocked" if it doesn't border any ocean or sea, except the purely inland seas that have no substantial natural connection to the ocean (e.g., the Caspian Sea or the Aral Sea). This is more or less the standard definition: Paraguay, for instance, is landlocked; Turkey is not.

Which countries in the world are double-landlocked, which means that all the countries that they border are themselves landlocked? Answer here.

The Pimp Watch 

The Pimp Watch

The time is displayed in 3 colors. The left side represents the hours and can be easily read by looking at the digits to the left of them. The minutes are displayed in 12 rows of 5, in green, yellow, and red, with each row representing 5 minutes, each light representing a minute. To count the minutes after 15 minutes it is easiest to start by looking at the competed red row(s) and then start counting from there. Each completed red row is a 15, 30, 45, 60 minute indicator. So 7:17 like the diagram below 15 plus 2 green lights making up 17. It is really almost as easy to tell the time as a regular analog watch. (via the Sachs Report)

Big Shots Are Only Little Shots That Keep On Shooting 

Pun Your Way to Success:
  • The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.

  • Triumph is just umph added to try.

  • The best vitamin for making friends is B-1.

  • Patience is counting down without blasting off.

  • A diamond is a chunk of coal that made good under pressure.

  • People who never make a mistake never make anything else.

  • When you feel yourself turning green with envy, you're ripe to be plucked.

  • Having a sharp tongue can cut your own throat.

  • Hug your kids at home, but belt them in a car.

  • Fear is the darkroom where negatives are developed.

  • Birds have bills too, but they keep on singing.

  • Be like a giraffe. Stick your neck out and reach higher than all the others.

The Campaign of Hate and Fear 

Some of my fellow Democrats are unpatriotic by Orson Scott Card:
And the most vile part of this campaign against Mr. Bush is that the terrorist war is being used as a tool to try to defeat him--which means that if Mr. Bush does not win, we will certainly lose the war. Indeed, the anti-Bush campaign threatens to undermine our war effort, give encouragement to our enemies, and cost American lives during the long year of campaigning that lies ahead of us.

Vote For Any Number of Candidates 

Plurality ballot
    Vote for one candidate.
Harry Browne (Libertarian)
Pat Buchanan (Reform)
George W. Bush (Republican)
Al Gore (Democrat)
Ralph Nader (Green)
Howard Phillips (Constitution)
Approval ballot
    Vote for any number of candidates.
Harry Browne (Libertarian)
Pat Buchanan (Reform)
George W. Bush (Republican)
Al Gore (Democrat)
Ralph Nader (Green)
Howard Phillips (Constitution)
The Citizens for Approval Voting think it's a good idea. Somewhat like the flaky "cumulative voting" system the voters in Illinois threw out 23 years ago. But hey, it's always good to challenge your assumptions every now and then. 

A Biofeedback-Controlled Video Game 

"The Journey to Wild Divine is an enchanting adventure for mind, body and spirit that links special biofeedback equipment with your computer to create a truly enlightening and entertaining multi-media experience. Adventure through a mythical world of towering palaces, sacred temples, sumptuous gardens and wise mentors where you are challenged to deepen your self-awareness with every step you take. "

From a review in Discover Magazine: "The overall design of Wild Divine preaches to the converted, à la sacred temples and gardens. If you’re the sort who’s not inclined to dabble in Eastern philosophy, the game’s imagery may be a barrier. But even if you ignore the spiritual implications, there’s much to learn. It took me only about 30 minutes to learn how to drive my galvanic skin response levels at will; after that I found myself levitating virtual balls, opening massive oaken doors, and controlling the flight patterns of birds with relative ease." 

The Nissan Cube 

The Nissan Cube - - One of Ten Japanese Cars You Can't Have

The Nissan Cube is One of Ten Japanese Cars You Can't Have. The design team's four key themes of "naughty, relaxing, compact and agile" are embodied in the design. They sought a design with clear originality, functionality that provides "joy of use, and loyalty-inspiring appeal". (via the Sachs Report

One Of The Most Powerful Religions Is Environmentalism 

Remarks to the Commonwealth Club by by Michael Crichton:
I studied anthropology in college, and one of the things I learned was that certain human social structures always reappear. They can't be eliminated from society. One of those structures is religion. Today it is said we live in a secular society in which many people---the best people, the most enlightened people---do not believe in any religion. But I think that you cannot eliminate religion from the psyche of mankind. If you suppress it in one form, it merely re-emerges in another form. You can not believe in God, but you still have to believe in something that gives meaning to your life, and shapes your sense of the world. Such a belief is religious.

Today, one of the most powerful religions in the Western World is environmentalism. Environmentalism seems to be the religion of choice for urban atheists. Why do I say it's a religion? Well, just look at the beliefs. If you look carefully, you see that environmentalism is in fact a perfect 21st century remapping of traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs and myths.

There's an initial Eden, a paradise, a state of grace and unity with nature, there's a fall from grace into a state of pollution as a result of eating from the tree of knowledge, and as a result of our actions there is a judgment day coming for us all. We are all energy sinners, doomed to die, unless we seek salvation, which is now called sustainability. Sustainability is salvation in the church of the environment. Just as organic food is its communion, that pesticide-free wafer that the right people with the right beliefs, imbibe.

Eden, the fall of man, the loss of grace, the coming doomsday---these are deeply held mythic structures. They are profoundly conservative beliefs. They may even be hard-wired in the brain, for all I know. I certainly don't want to talk anybody out of them, as I don't want to talk anybody out of a belief that Jesus Christ is the son of God who rose from the dead. But the reason I don't want to talk anybody out of these beliefs is that I know that I can't talk anybody out of them. These are not facts that can be argued. These are issues of faith.

Monday, December 15, 2003

From Ronald Reagan's Joke Book 

President Reagan used to tell this joke:
A Soviet citizen stands in line for three days to requisition a car. On the fourth day he reaches the counter. At last he concludes his transaction.

“Congratulations, comrade!” says the Soviet official. “Your automobile will be delivered to you on the fifth of March in the year 2005.”

“Morning or afternoon?” inquires the citizen.

The official is puzzled. “Why do you ask?”

The citizen explains: “The plumber is coming in the morning.”
(via zeldman

The Wolf Girl of Devil's River 

In May of 1835, the Wolf Girl of Devil's River was born to Mollie Dent, who had gone with her husband to the Beaver Lake area to trap. Mollie was having problems with the birth, so her husband, John Dent, rode to get help from a Mexican-run goat ranch on the Pecos Canyon, but he was struck and killed by lightning before he could return accompanied by the Mexican couple. By the time the Mexicans reached Mollie, she had died, apparently in childbirth. Wolf tracks in the vicinity suggested that the newborn infant had been devoured by the lobo wolves of the area.

However, in 1845 a boy saw a girl, in the company of a pack of lobo wolves, attacking a herd of goats. Less than a year later, a Mexican woman at San Felipe saw two large wolves and a girl devour a freshly-killed goat. She observed the girl run off — first on all fours, and then on two legs. A hunt was mounted, and after three days the child was caught after fighting wildly to keep her freedom. She was taken to a ranch (really just a two-room hovel) and locked in. Her howling attracted answering cries from wolves far and wide, and a large pack of wolves rushed the corrals, attacking the goats, cows and horses. Shooting started, and in the confusion the girl managed to remove the board nailed over the window and make her escape.

In 1852, a group of frontiersmen surveying a better route to El Paso saw a girl suckling two wolf cubs on a sand bar in the river, who then ran off, carrying the cubs. She would have been 17 in that year; but she was never seen again.

A New Generation of Bicycles From The Schwinn Family 

JS Online: "From the remnants of a legendary family business, Richard Schwinn created his own bicycle company. It doesn't have much in common with the Schwinn Bicycle Company that once was a household name for Sting-Rays, Varsities and Orange Krate bikes. Richard Schwinn's company, Waterford Precision Cycles, is tiny compared with the former family-controlled Schwinn Co. that peaked at more than $200 million in annual sales in the late 1980s but filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 1992. Waterford Precision Cycles is housed in an old Schwinn Co. machine shop in the village of Waterford, 35 miles southwest of Milwaukee.

As the great-grandson of Ignaz Schwinn, who founded Schwinn Co. in 1896, Richard said it was hard to watch the family business crumble. "The company was a legend, but it also was an old-line manufacturing company with a lot of old-line problems," Richard Schwinn said. "That last year was a train wreck," when foreign competition peaked and bicycle sales fell in the recession. Schwinn isn't getting rich with Waterford Precision Cycles, but he likes having a product that others can't easily copy. "We can do some things here that we probably couldn't do under corporate ownership," he said. "In some respects, being free from the old Schwinn company has helped."" 

10 oz. Chocolate Foot 

10 oz. Chocolate Foot

10 oz. of delicious chocolate. The little brother of the original chocolate foot. It comes in a festive red gift box. 

Dr. Rohrschach, Meet Dr. Hershey 

The Hershey's Syrup Syrup Blot Personality Quiz

The Brain Alphabet 


Each letter in The Brain Alphabet is a close-up of gyri (bumps) and sulci (grooves) found on the surface of the human brain. The letters were all found within the brain photographs shown on the right. Some of the patterns were rotated, flipped upside-down or enlarged. This project was inspired by the "Butterfly Alphabet" created by Kjell B. Sandved. 

The Shawshank Redemption 

A complete analysis and a site with many interesting facts and pictures

How Many People Have Ever Lived on Earth? 

Population Reference Bureau:

Number who have ever been born 106,456,367,669
World population in mid-2002 6,215,000,000
Percent of those ever born who are living in 2002 5.8

(via Larry's Pretty Good Web Log

Did You Know? 

A sample from This Huge List of Trivia:
  • The 1957 Milwaukee Braves were the first baseball team to win the World Series after being relocated.

  • Des Moines has the highest per capita Jello consumption in the U.S

  • "Mr. Mojo Risin" is an anagram for Jim Morrison.

  • The silhouette on the NBA logo is Jerry West.

  • The silhouette on the Major League Baseball logo is Harmon Killebrew.

  • February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.

  • Montpelier, Vermont is the only U.S. state capital without a McDonalds.

  • Maine is the only state that borders on only one state.

  • October 4, 1957 is a historic date to be remembered, it is the day both "Leave it to Beaver" and the Russian satellite Sputnik 1 were launched.

  • The only two days of the year in which there are no professional sports games (MLB, NBA, NHL, or NFL) are the day before and the day after the Major League Baseball All-Star Game.

  • The first letters of the months July through November, in order, spell the name JASON.

  • In 1963, baseball pitcher Gaylord Perry remarked, "They'll put a man on the moon before I hit a home run." On July 20, 1969, a few hours after Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, Gaylord Perry hit his first, and only, home run.


States with Official English Laws 

The Blue States Have An Official English Law, the Red States Do Not
From US English 

Why Are The Taxes In Canada So High? 

Official bilingualism — This is what most of the taxes pay for.

Learning and speaking another language may seem like fun to most Americans. Forget about that textbook Parisian you learned in high school. My husband speaks French fluently but not by Canadian government standards. He'd be passed over in employment by someone who speaks a government-approved level of French. Canada is officially bilingual and that means everything must be in French and English. Everything. It's the law. If you or your company do not comply with regulations then the official language "police" will be at your door. If you want to pursue a career in retail, the police, the post office, government, business and even the military, you must be bilingual. 

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Homestar Runner Figurines 

Homestar Runner Figurines

They’re cute, they’re colorful, they’re three dimensional!!!! This set of nine popular characters includes Homestar Runner, Marzipan, Strong Bad, Strong Mad, Strong Sad, The Cheat, Pom-Pom, Bubs, and Coach Z. Sizes range from one inch (The Cheat) to approximately three inches high (Pom-Pom). Figures are non-posable and are made of PVC. 

So Do You Wanna Be The Battleship or the Shoe, Piet? 

Three Hotels on Broadway Boogie-Woogie - 1949

Three Hotels on Broadway Boogie-Woogie - 1949
Piet Mondrian
oil on canvas,
56 x 46 inches.
Price Available On Request

This piece, part of a series Mondrian painted to honor America's favorite board game, was lost for many years. In the early 1960s, a janitor found it while cleaning out a storage closet in The Playboy Club, which had taken over the space previously occupied by Mondrian's studio.

In this colorful composition, the artist appears to be making a comment on the pivotal aspect of American corporate economic strength, ie. "Monopoly", while at the same time, his innovative placement of various street names and sales prices implies a profound indictment of urban exploitation perpetrated against the poor.


Heh. ;-) 

Ole and Lena 

Ole and Lena the Swedish couple were at home one evening having a nice quiet dinner together when Lena suddenly collapses on the floor clutching her chest in pain. Ole rushes to the phone and dials 911, and the emergency operator answers.

Ole says, "Quick, I need to get an ambulance over here right away. I think my wife is having a heart attack!"

The voice on the other end says, "okay, but you need to tell us where you live."

Ole replies, "1852 Eucalyptus."

"Can you spell that for us sir," asks the operator.

"No I can't. But if you prefer, I can drag her over to Oak Street." 

Calling All Members of Annie's Secret Circle! 

Concealing Secret Messages Using Computer Graphics "When you send an encrypted email, you're essentially saying to the eavesdropper, 'Look at me! I'm sending a secret email, likely full of illegal information or other juicy tidbits. Please pay close attention, and try to decipher it if you can.' What you really need is something inconspicuous." 

And I Woke Up Thinking It Would Be A Slow News Day . . . 

Saddam Has Been Captured!

Mark Steyn:
The extreme Left has made a terrible strategic mistake shacking up with the Islamists. In one sense, they’re not as incompatible as they might appear: Islamism may be religious in origin but in its political form it is simply this decade’s brand of oppressive statism, as communism was before it. But the only question now is how deeply this strategic error infects the less insane Left. On National Public Radio the other day, Howard Dean advanced the theory that the Saudis had tipped off Bush about 9/11 in advance. When the Democratic presidential front-runner is cheerfully wearing his tinfoil hat in public, it’s no wonder the other fellows are scrambling to sound just as loopy.

Update: OJ Nabs Iraqi Madman During Search for 'Real Killers' 

Yes, Roger Staubach DID Finally Make The Cover of LIFE Magazine 

Roger Staubach Finally Makes The Cover of LIFE Magazine

Interviewer: "In all the time you played for the Dallas Cowboys, did you ever see Tom Landry smile?"
Walt Garrison: "No, but I only played with them for 9 years."

Hitler's Probable Behavior in the Future 

An excerpt from A Psychological Analysis of Adolph Hitler: His Life and Legend a wartime report by Walter C. Langer of the Office of Strategic Services.

As the tide of battle turns against Hitler it may be well to consider very briefly the possibilities of his future behavior and the effect that each would have on the German people as well as on ourselves . . . . .

8. Hitler might commit suicide.

This is the most plausible outcome. Not only has he frequently threatened to commit suicide, but from what we know of his psychology it is the most likely possibility. It is probably true that he has an inordinate fear of death, but being an hysteric he could undoubtedly screw himself up into the super-man character and perform the deed. In all porbability, however, it would not be a simple suicide. He has too much of the dramatic for that and since immortailty is one of his dominant motives we can [Page 248] imagine that he would stage the most dramatic and effective death scene he could possibly think of. He knows how to bind the people to him and if he cannot have the bond in life he will certainly do his utmost to achieve it in death. He might even engage some other fanatic to do the final killing at his orders.

Hitler has already envisaged a death of this kind, for he has said to Rauschning:

"Yes, in the hour of supreme peril I must sacrifice myself for the people."

This would be extremely undesirable from our point of view because if it is cleverly done it would establish the Hitler legend so firmly in the minds of the German people that it might take generations to eradicate it.

Whatever else happens, we my be reasonably sure that as Germany suffers successive defeats Hitler will become more and more neurotic. Each defeat will shake his confidence still further and limit his opportunities for proving his own greatness to himself. In consequence he will feel himself more and more vulnerable to attack from his associates and his rages will increase in frequency. He will probably try to compensate for his vulnerability on this side by continually stressing his brutality and ruthlessness.

His public appearances will become less and less for, as we have seen, he is unable to face a critical audience. He will probably seek solace in his Eagle's Nest on the Kehlstein near Berchtsegaden. There among the ice-capped peaks he will [Page 249] wait for his "inner voice" to guide him. Meanwhile, his nightmares will probably increase in frequency and intensity and drive him closer to a nervous collapse. It is not wholly improbably that in the end he might lock himself into this symbolic womb and defy the world to get him.

In any case, his mental condition will continue to deteriorate. He will fight as long as he can with any weapon or technique that can be conjured up to meet the emergency. The course he will follow will almost certainly be the one which seems to him to be the surest road to immortality and at the same time drag the world down in flames.

Right on the money, wouldn't you say? 

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